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Gyde Equities Limited is a company registered in Guernsey with company number 71647, having its registered office at 55 Mount Row, St Peter Port, GY1 1NU, Guernsey. Infusive Asset Management Limited is a company incorporated in England with registered number 09044563 with its registered office at Botanic House, 100 Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 1PH, UK.

Infusive Asset Management Inc. is a company incorporated in Delaware, United States of America (No. 5316954). Infusive Asset Management Inc. is registered with the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission.

Infusive Asset Management Pty Limited (ABN 93637605022) is a Corporate Authorised Representative (No. 1282095) of Sanlam Private Wealth (AFS License No. 337927), in Australia and trades under the name, Infusive. Infusive Asset Management Pty Limited, Infusive Asset Management Limited and Infusive Asset Management Inc. are subsidiaries of Gyde Equities Limited.


The contents of this Website or any other communication, presentation, article, e-mail, social media post or any communication whatsoever (a “Communication”) are directed only at persons who would be classified as Professional Clients and Eligible Counterparties (as defined in the FCA rules and the wholesale investor test, as defined by the Corporations Act in Australia). As such, no reliance should be placed on anything contained in this Communication by persons other than Professional Clients and Eligible Counterparties, or wholesale clients in Australia. In particular, persons who are Retail Clients (as defined in the FCA rules and Australia’s Corporations Act), should not act or rely upon the information provided in this Communication and the services referred to herein will not be available to such persons. As regards the European Economic Area (the “EEA”), this presentation is only directed at and should only be made available to persons domiciled or with a registered office in the EEA, where permitted pursuant to the laws of the relevant EEA country. Any information provided in this Communication is not directed to any United States person or any person in the United States, any state thereof, or any of its territories or possessions. This Communication is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where such distribution or use would be contrary to local law or regulation. It is the responsibility of every person reading this Communication to satisfy themselves as to the full observance of the laws of any relevant country, including obtaining any government or other consent which may be required or observing any other formality which needs to be observed in that country.


This Communication does not constitute an offer to sell, solicit or buy any investment product or service, and is not intended to be a final representation of the terms and conditions of any product or service. The investments mentioned in any presentation or materials on our website or referenced in this Communication may not be suitable for all recipients and you should seek professional advice if you are in doubt. Persons should obtain legal/taxation advice suitable to their particular circumstances. This Communication may not be reproduced or disclosed (in whole or in part) to any other person without our prior written permission. Although information in this Communication has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, Infusive does not represent or warrant its accuracy, and such information may be incomplete or condensed.


All estimates and opinions in this Communication constitute our judgment as of the date of publication and may be subject to change without notice. Infusive will not be responsible for the consequences of reliance upon any opinion or statement contained herein, and expressly disclaims any liability, including incidental or consequential damages, arising from any errors or omissions. The value of investments and the income derived from them can fall as well as rise, and you may not get back the amount originally invested.


Past performance is no indicator of future performance, and you should not assume that investments in the future will be profitable or will equal the performance of past portfolio investments. Investors should consider the content of this Communication in conjunction with investment fund quarterly reports, financial statements and other disclosures regarding the valuations and performance of the specific investments discussed herein. Unless otherwise noted, performance is unaudited. Investment products may be subject to investment risks, including but not limited to, currency exchange and market risks, fluctuations in value, liquidity risk and, where applicable, possible loss of principal invested. If a Fund is referenced, the information contained in this Communication is merely a brief summary of key aspects of the business. More complete information on the Fund can be found in the prospectus or key investor information factsheet. Otherwise, the information contained in this Communication is a brief summary of other matters of general interest.


Logos are for illustrative purposes only and are protected by trademarks. Infusive disclaims any association with them and any rights associated with the trademarks.


Any advice contained in this Communcation is general advice only and has been prepared without considering your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should not rely on any advice contained in this email and before making any investment decision we recommend that you consider whether it is appropriate for your situation and seek appropriate financial, taxation and legal advice.

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‡ This Representative sample (i) has not been selected based on size or performance (i.e. not top 10 holdings) (ii) Selected by Infusive to be a representative sample of industries and geographies currently in the portfolio (iii) reflects positions currently in the fund (iv) is subject to change. â€‹

Gyde Equities Limited is a company registered in Guernsey with company number 71647, having its registered office at 55 Mount Row, St Peter Port, GY1 1NU, Guernsey.

Infusive Asset Management Limited is a company incorporated in England with registered number 09044563 with its registered office at Botanic House, 100 Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 1PH, UK.

Infusive Asset Management Inc. is a company incorporated in Delaware, United States of America (No. 5316954). Infusive Asset Management Inc. is registered with the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission. Infusive Asset Management Pty Limited (ABN 93637605022) is a Corporate Authorised Representative (No. 1282095) of Sanlam Private Wealth (AFS License No. 337927), in Australia and trades under the name, Infusive.

Infusive Asset Management Pty Limited, Infusive Asset Management Limited and Infusive Asset Management Inc. are subsidiaries of Gyde Equities Limited.

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