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ESG Policy
We have a responsibility to you, as investors, to deploy your capital within a prudent research and risk management process. ESG is a core component of our investment process. It can catalyse corporate change, drive competitive advantage and increase shareholder value.
Our policy details how Infusive approaches ESG and makes its contribution.
ESG Investor Report
Our ESG Investor Report is available to our investors and partners. The report covers considerations for portfolio holdings and progress made.
We engage with companies to understand their approach to ESG and where appropriate, aim to provide constructive thoughts on ESG strategy that may increase competitiveness and profitability over the long-term. Please contact us if you would like more information.

The UN Principles for Responsible Investment is the global leader in responsible investing.The international network of asset owners, asset managers and service providers, manage assets in excess of $100 trillion.
The PRI provides support to asset managers and helps them introduce ESG strategies into their investment decisions.
As signatories of the UN Principles of Responsible Investing, we submit our investment Process for external review.
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